Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016


assalamualaikum wr.wb
meet again with me on my blog, this time I will discuss about the movie that I like and inspire me,I just tell this film, I will narrate the film titled "remember when" I just tell you ....Remember When is the fourth novel Winna after Kenangan Grey, Ai, Refrain, and Glam Girls Unbelievable. Like the earlier novels, Remember When contains a simple but interesting story. The story focuses on four main characters and settings are high school students.This novel tells of friendship and love of four companions. Freya, Gia, Moses, and Adrian. Freya is a smart girl, antisocial, it is, and aloof. He is friends with Gia, the pretty cheerful, popular, and have always found comfort when painting. While Moses, he is a typical guy perfectionist, rigid, disciplined, difficult to express himself, responsibilities and clever. He was friends with Adrian personality upside down with him. Adrian is a cool guy who likes to play basketball and a dream guy girls at her school.Adrian dating Gia.Dan not to be outdone, Moses also dating Freya. Certainly there is no school that pairs their highest degree. Adrian and Gia with splashy behavior and their touchy, as well as Moses and Freya that looks really suitable to hold the title of Mr and Mrs Perfekto because both always get the general rankings in their schools.Freya is a little antisocial cause Andrian which is his own best friend boyfriend are not familiar with, is even rarer for them each chided each other. Until one day, Adrian and Freya only go alone to their usual place doubledate café because Moses was busy with the guidance of learning and Gia are still in the painting studios. Today was the first day that Adrian feels uncomfortable to be near a girl besides Gia, his own girlfriend.Day by day changes occurred in four of them. This mess began to occur when Freya was saturated with relation to the so-so only because Moses tend to shy silent and busy with activities OSISnya. And Adrian who feel unhealthy relationship started after the lies and the little that he has made mistakes screwing Gia. Plus, Adrian and Freya turns both have feelings of love to one another without the knowledge Gia and Moses. Freya sure that her love for this is Adrian, not Moses. Likewise with Adrian. Unwilling to bury all the lies too long, Adrian finally dared to speak directly to Gia on this issue. Gia is very fond of Adrian was devastated to hear confessions Adrian.As with the Freya, which is between two tough position. Between Moses, girlfriend sebebnarnya not love she is looking for this, or Adrian girlfriend of his best friend who thinks Adrianlah true love. On the other hand, Freya also think though Moses is not the person he's looking for, but his affection for Moses already embedded in his heart. Moreover, Freya also not bear to see Gia are going to lose half of his life when Adrian left it. Finally, reluctantly, Freya decided to end his lies and no longer in a relationship or put your feelings on Adrian.Freya and Adrian finally made a deal to forget all that has happened between them. Adrian also promised to return to Gia. However, Adrian could not menjepati promise. Adrian made a confession to Moses that he cared Freya. Great anger arises from Moses himself. Everything is more complicated. Moses decided to do with Freya at that time. His friendship with Adrian also ran aground at the same time.As well as Adrian and Moses relationships, relationships Gia and Freya was already very deteriorated. Gia who formerly was never separated by Freya, now prefer to hang out with his friends that the contents of his brain is dominated by rah-rah.Time passed and graduation day finally arrived. Again Moses got the best grades in school. At that moment, Moses was determined to apologize to Freya, forgive Adrian and tried to restore friendship with Adrian who had died that could blossomed again.Freya relationship, Moses and Adrian returned to normal as befits a friend. Freya and Moses were both a university and a medical school have been living as a pair of close friends. While Gia and Adrian, they continue his education in London. Gia goes into art and Adrian majors in business. Over time, Gia begin to understand the feeling of Adrian on Freya. Gia finally decided to do with Adrian and Adrian volunteered to pursue his love for Freya. Adrian was finally returned to Indonesia for Freya.

many explanations of movie that I like this may be useful,
See you at another time

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